• Wow macro nodead

    Wow macro nodead. If whatever it targeted is alive, the macro stops; otherwise, it restores your previous target. With my mage, I’m currently using the below mouseover macro for Poly: #showtooltip Polymorph /cast [target=mouseover,exists] Polymorph; Polymorph However, I’d also like to add a shift modifier that would cast Poly on a focus target if there is /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Rejuvenation Cast at Cursor Macro. When trying to get a rogue/druid out of stealth, it is enough to use Arcane Explosion rank 1 to save mana. Monk Life Cocoon. In conclusion, I would like a macro that I can use both on friends or mobs regardless of my targeting. While the line you've posted *looks* good, let's make it a bit more explicit and show why it fails: / target [target=target,harm,nodead] Shadow Necromancer. Wondering if anyone else is having this issue?? #showtooltip Swiftmend /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help, nodead][@player] Swiftmend I have also tried Be careful. Macro example: If you empty your energy, turn off your auto attack, and then hit this macro, your character will just stand there. One-Button Stun. World of Warcraft Forums Intervene/Charge Macro. We’re excited to unveil version 0. If you hold a #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help,nodead][@player] Blessing of Summer. It works flawlessly on it’s initial execution, but fails to reset out of combat/5. Uses :focus 'Focus' is a UnitId newly available in WoW 2. The macro I am using is: #showtooltip Renewing Mist /use [@mouseover,nodead,harm] It's SO helpful. Hunter. Use this so activating Reaver’s Glaive as Aldrachi Reaver doesn’t accidentally activate Throw Glaive as well. I've been having problems with making a working renew mouseover macro. The 2 macro are used in different time, and could be existed together. #showtooltip Or, you could get REALLY simple and use only a single macro, as follows: /stopcasting #showtooltip /cast [button:1] Windfury Weapon /use 16 /cast [button:2] Flametongue Weapon /use 17 This macro casts [Windfury Weapon] on your Main Hand weapon when you left click, and cast [Flametongue Weapon] on your Offhand when you right click it. By holding shift, it will instead cast Gorefiend's Grasp on your focus target. /stopmacro [options] Usage. I don’t have /petattack on any of my attacks, so that could be it. that way you can hand pick a target then just alt back to assist. This macro casts the spell Hammer of Justice. Also, if that macro has the ? icon, it will use the first abilities icon as well. BEAST MASTERY. Many of them can be altered for more / other abilities. Stops the execution of the current macro, skipping further commands. The problem I run into is that it keeps targeting the dead ones until they despawn, which makes me useless for about 5 seconds. In this guide, we will go over useful Devastation Evoker macros for , explain how to make your own macros, and cover some of the best Devastation hello wow people i use a couple of mouseover macros (example:) #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Healing Wave This basic macro is used in most of my macros and it works really nice for me. I tried #showtooltip /cast [@pet] misdirection or /cast [@pet5] misdirection I tried using my pets name as well, but nothing. What am I missing here? #showtooltip Arcane Shot /cast [@mouseover,nochanneling:rapid A help,nodead combo wouldnt be of much use imo, only coming true for a friendly non dead target. Examples at the bottom. In general, the macro should cast SW:P on mouseover, or if there is no enemy under cursor then cast on the target. Vanish if combat, otherwise stealth: (No wasted vanishes) I've been having problems with making a working renew mouseover macro. The best part with this macro from all others i have seen is that you do not have to use two buttons to be able to kick/silence a prefered target. . -Sometimes, my pet walks back to me rather than continue to attack my target. Neither of them work what happens is i mouse over someone/raidframes and cast renew and it just I've been looking on reddit and other wow websites. 5; RECENT FORUM POSTS. #showtooltip Heavy Windwool Bandage I just started playing my priest alt and came up with a pretty clever macro that would do a lot of work for me. While WoW macros allow the use of simple Lua scripts via the /run or /script command, there are restrictions on what these scripts can do. I was thinking something like: /cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][help][target=player] Purify Spirit; [harm] Purge I’m This macro contains 1 macro version. current target. #showtooltip /cast [@focus,mod:shift,harm,nodead][] fist of justice This is my generic modifier focus macro. Big shout-out to 0AK, inspired by his sequences. I suspect it’s from me clicking follow prior to the fight, but I haven’t tested this. This macro is NOT to replace the mouseover interrupt macro. Macros are really good if you don't want to press 5 buttons at the same time (given the buttons allow it), or change how and who they're cast on Macros can do a variety of things, but also has its limitations. I don’t know the exact sequence to brick a power word: life macro, though I believe it involves entering/leaving an instance while power word: life is on cooldown and then making a swap to benevolence. I’ve found this macro that supposedly prevents Arcane Shot from being cast whilst channeling Rapid Fire. Uses :focus /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead]help,nodead[@target] Wild Charge Didn't mess with it too much, might try to remove the mouseover from the harm wild charge, but as is it works with mouseover whether I aim on an enemy or an ally. Advanced Tips and Tricks for Wow Keybinding and Macros. If you mouseover a friendly, non-dead unit, or have a friendly, non dead unit targetted, it will flash heal, then it will check if our target is an enemy, and not dead, to smite /cast [mod:shift,@focus,exists][@mouseover,exists,nodead][@player] Gorefiend's Grasp; If you have your cursor over a valid target to center Gorefiend's Grasp on, this macro will cast Gorefiend's Grasp at your cursor. Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Heart Essence, Bestial Wrath, Cobra Shot, Kill Command, Chimaera Shot, Aspect of the Wild I am actually trying to merge two mouse over macros, but I can figure out how /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Spell Name if my cursor is above a friendly unit it casts the spell on that, otherwise it cast it on my target /use [@mouseover,nodead,help] Healing Spell Name; Damaging Spell Name this one, if my cursor is on a friendly unit it uses This macro does the following: - If you choose the question mark icon, it will show the Misdirection icon, tooltip, and cooldown - It will dismount you if you are mounted - It will removed your Misdirection buff if you have it up. With the castsequence command, you can chain several abilities to a single button. Some general macros i use across all specs is stuff like trinkets, potions or other common combat items. Khalnhu-frostwolf February 12, 2021, 2:23am Hey guys, need your help here please. This Wow Macros for all World of Warcraft classes ,world of warcraft macros explained and a wow macro guide for the beginner. nodead = has a target that is not dead. my character just stand there doing nothing. I want the icon to only display the Riptide icon so I can track it properly and not have it change over to Flameshock even if I have a target selected. Play League of Legends "Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. To access the macro recorder go to Macro > Start Recording. I also want it to cast at mouseover if I have one, but otherwise case at my target. This is a modification to Oak’s bear /assist [@focus,exists,nodead,mod:alt][@pet,exists] not quite what your looking for but will prevent you from targeting something after the tank kills his target. The following works: /cast [nomod] Arcane Shot; [mod:shift] Kill Shot; [mod:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot but with the ,@mouseover,exists,harm][] it I’m trying to use a mouseover macro to apply the blistering scales buff to the tank in keys because it is easier than having a target macro and remembering to change the target to the tanks name every key since I only pug on this toon. Shadowlands root solar beam macro. Unit frame addons allow a player to track the health and status of the focused unit while targeting other units. Using this marco. I'm also a fan of assigning 1-5 to macros that heal on friendly mouseover or friendly target, and harm on enemy target: /cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead,help][exists,nodead,help] Rejuvenation; Moonfire That way I can stay targeted on enemies and heal without changing targets, and it lets me put 10 binds on 5 easy-to-reach keys. Don’t need any mouseover functionality or anything. Hey there ya’ll. If your focus is dead, hostile, or you don’t have a focus, it Macro conditionals are basically if/then/else, but you are limited to the conditionals that are allowed in macros. Unfortunately, it only has about a 50/50 chance of applying it to me regardless of whether I hover over the tank’s party hp bar or on the Hey guys, just wondering if anyone knows a functional misdirection to pet macro. WOW 20TH ANNIVERSARY PERIPHERALS . You will need to manually type in the player you wish to give Power Infusion to, but it should handle if the target WoW Lazy Macros Beast Mastery WAR WITHIN 11. This macro is pointless to use because it does the same thing as having the normal spell on your action bar, but I thought it would work well to explain some basic macro pieces that we’ll build on later. " - Frank Zappa - 4 posts I'm looking for a macro template that will let me use several ranks of a spell binded on one button using modifiers in the macro and heal on mouseover or heal m Turtle WoW Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. You can use Hi, I use a Macro right now that targets enemies that I can harm, and that are not dead. This is called a macro and can save a great deal of time. /cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead]Intervene;Intervene /cast [target=target,harm,exists,nodead]Charge;Charge. #showtooltip Heavy Windwool Bandage Mouseover decurse macro. Basically I want it to default to my pet unless I have a focus target, since mounting clears your focus /focus [help] /cast [@focus,help,nodead] [@pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection. Manually selecting the icon doesn’t give the wanted effect as its just a placeholder icon. /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [@target,harm,nodead]Moonfire. Hey guys, need your help here please. Wondering if there is a condition I can add in which if I have no target, it defaults to the help spells, cause right now if I have no target the spells are just the question mark icon. The default blessing is summer and the other three seasons "replace" summer. Intervene;[@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Charge. /focus [@mouseover,nodead,exists]; [@target,exists] WeakAuras, Macros, and Addons provide many quality-of-life improvements in WoW, allowing players to improve how information is displayed in-game or automate decision-making to optimize performance. /use [@focus,exists,nodead][]Counter Shot; #showtooltip /use [@focus,exists,nodead][]Muzzle; #showtooltip /focus [@mouseover,nodead,exists];[@target,exists] The top macro will interrupt your Focus target if available, or otherwise interrupt your target. Use this for basic; #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] SPELLNAMEHERE. #showtooltip Life Cocoon /cast [@target, help, nodead, exists] Life Cocoon Cast Life Cocoon at a player if friendly and alive. Here is what I have so far: #showtooltip /focus [mod:alt,@mouseover,nodead, exists][target] /tm [mod:alt,@mouseover,exists][@target,exists] 5 /cast The [nodead] condition would be applied to your current target, not the would-be target, meaning this macro would target any Blackwind Warp Chaser, but only if you are currently targetting any living unit. Cast Spells Directly. This macro casts Smite at your target if it is an enemy or at your target's target 主题17098451 Topic Post by 大千叶红叶 (2019-04-30 16:05): 宏句式规范引导(打牢基础,少走歪路,举一反三,授人予鱼,不如授人以渔,我会解释每一个词语和命令的意义和用法并示范) harm help exists nodead 基本只用这4种目标判定,均可加no反向判定 例如把复活加到技能里,用dead 利用好敌友双判定可以把1个宏 /cast [mod:shift,@focus,exists][@mouseover,exists,nodead][@player] Gorefiend's Grasp; If you have your cursor over a valid target to center Gorefiend's Grasp on, this macro will cast Gorefiend's Grasp at your cursor. I’ve tried this macro below, but it doesn’t trigger Hammer of Wrath at all. The macro I use is #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Blessing of Sacrifice /cast Blessing of Sacrifice When I use the spell while having a mouseover, it still makes me click to verify my target. Uses :target to fire transitions on navigation. [stealth] or [nostealth] mainly used by Rogues and Druids, this specifies to only cast a spell either while stealthed or not stealthed. This macro can be used to activate multiple defensive cooldowns at the simple press of one button. Try It! Use WowMatrix to download and keep WoW AddOns up-to-date. You can see the output of this by reviewing the compiled template button. From what I have read, the following should work, but still requires me to place it via my mouse, which is what I am trying to get away from. Neither of them work what happens is i mouse over someone/raidframes and cast renew and /cast [@mouseover,help,exists,nodead][help,exists,nodead] Flash Heal; [harm,exists,nodead] Smite; [@player] Flash Heal; It's a little fancier, but here is the priority. However if I put Pummel there (no macro) it works every time pummel is off CD. Is there a way to have a macro execute a target command and when you click it again, have it execute a target last target command? What i’m trying to do is have my /tar dutiful attendant macro swap back to my last target after i click it again when the attendant dies. #showtooltip Misdirection /cast [@focus,exists,nodead] Misdirection; [@pet,exists,nodead WoW Lazy Macros Beast Mastery WAR WITHIN 11. Try this instead: / cast [mod:alt,@focus,help,nodead] Rejuvenation; [@focus,help,nodead] Healing Touch; [mod:alt] Rejuvenation; Healing Touch help and nodead both imply exists, so that can be omitted. Toggle navigation. Pings the player with an assist ping. Focus Macro. Druid macros. Ex. Monk Tiger's lust Post by Omranx Hello i am looking to make a macro but i dont know how to write the macro should do the following: 1- Cast an offensive ability or spell at the current target enemy #showtooltip /cast [@INSERTPLAYERNAMEHERE,help,nodead][] Power Infusion /cast [@player] Power Infusion; When using Twins of the Sun Priestess, this is a useful macro to cast Power Infusion on an ally to make sure your group gets the most out of it. Have tried a few different things such as different cast line, stance instead of stealth, etc. Spatial Paradox on Mouseover. The first part is firing however but I can’t get the harm mouseovers to fire, is something wrong with my syntax? /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead,nochanneling,mod:shift] Power Word: Shield; Im new to macros and addons and such is there a way i can open fire on target A, quickly switch to target B to cc, then back at target A without having to use my mouse when im in a RBG ? #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]ccspell Put the spell you want to use to CC then you can just mouseover the enemy’s character/unit frame. #showtooltip hello wow people i use a couple of mouseover macros (example:) #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Healing Wave This basic macro is used in most of my macros and it works really nice for me. So my macro is pretty standard #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Shadow Word: Pain and it’s not working, now the best part, I decided to do the same for Vampiric I'm looking for a macro template that will let me use several ranks of a spell binded on one button using modifiers in the macro and heal on mouseover or heal m Turtle WoW Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. #showtooltip /cast [@target,exists,nodead,help] Rejuvenation Hey all, I’ve been scratching my head over how to write a macro that does the following: Selects the mouseover target if there is one, and I don’t have a current target Selects the nearest target if I have no target or mouseover (like tab targeting) Casts an ability (I’ll use the example Death Grip here) on a mouseover if available, otherwise my target Casting the ability Misdirection Mouseover/Focus Macro. # WoW WoW. World of Warcraft monk macros . In Raids you have 2 tanks, so it would be great to shield the target’s target of the Raid /use [@focus,exists,nodead][]Counter Shot; #showtooltip /use [@focus,exists,nodead][]Muzzle; #showtooltip /focus [@mouseover,nodead,exists];[@target,exists] The top macro will interrupt your Focus target if available, or otherwise interrupt your target. Probably the second best macro for me as a priest after the mouseovers. true. Macro for Hammer of Justice. If your trying an offensive spell the help would make the macro fail, also the nodead part is again not useful. #showtooltip renew /cast [@Mouseover,exists][]Renew #showtooltip renew /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] renew These are the two i've tried so. The first line on sequence has this code: /click [flying] So, we're working on Mythic Xhul, and I want to make life a little easier on myself, so I'm trying to make a target macro that will automatically target Unstable Voidfiend when it comes up. Wils0 October 18, 2024, 12:21am 1. A selection of wow druid macros . Could only be used for a player buff, but that doesn't seem all that useful as it would simply fail to cast without the nodead part. I use same macro as shown above (macro): /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead]help,nodead[@target] Wild Charge Didn't mess with it too much, might try to remove the mouseover from the harm wild charge, but as is it works with mouseover whether I aim on an enemy or an ally. It also has default self-cast which will make every spell helpful spell cast on you if there is no other New Holy Paladin macros for Patch 8. Ideally if I exit combat or 5 seconds pass from it’s last use Discuss and seek assistance with help/harm macros for World of Warcraft on the official forums. 0. I tried different macros like: #showtooltip Holy Shock /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Holy Shock /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][exists,nodead][@player]Holy Shock None casts Holy Shock when mouse overing on the raidframes. Shadow Word: Pain mouseover macro. SEARCH. I use same macro as shown above (macro): Here you will find all the important macros for your Paladin in WoW Classic Era and WoW SoD. The mouseover component will NOT work, but it works when I click the player and then Or, you could get REALLY simple and use only a single macro, as follows: /stopcasting #showtooltip /cast [button:1] Windfury Weapon /use 16 /cast [button:2] Flametongue Weapon /use 17 This macro casts [Windfury Weapon] on your Main Hand weapon when you left click, and cast [Flametongue Weapon] on your Offhand when you right click it. Here is an example with Efflorescence: #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Efflorescence Skull Bash Macro I've been looking on reddit and other wow websites. I can just edit a macro to reflect the names of the new items. A macro is a bit like a programmed multi-tool that has the ability to change based off of certain Just search for ‘Elfyau’ or ‘GSE’. Castsquence. Arcane Explosion. Focus+Alt+NoDead macro. This is the one I've had for years; if I'm targeting a friendly it'll focus them and cast it Hello, I'm having some trouble with a mouseover macro for Blessing of Sacrifice. Hence, I had it /tar to target the player, and then /tar to #showtooltip /cast [@INSERTPLAYERNAMEHERE,help,nodead][] Power Infusion /cast [@player] Power Infusion; When using Twins of the Sun Priestess, this is a useful macro to cast Power Infusion on an ally to make sure your group gets the most out of it. No need for two /casts @all /cast [mod:shift, @focus, exists, nodead][] Shadowstep Empty bracket [] is the default behavior, i. 2- if i have a mouseover on another enemy, it should use the spell or ability or /use [@mouseover,nodead,help] Riptide; Flame Shock when you mouse over something the help spell will cast on a keypress. /cast [mod:shift,@focus,exists][@mouseover,exists,nodead][@player] Gorefiend's Grasp; If you have your cursor over a valid target to center Gorefiend's Grasp on, this macro will cast Gorefiend's Grasp at your cursor. I think most of these are quite essential for a minimalistic ui / keybind space without compromising and remaining efficient. However, I am currently using help/harm macros already for my keybinds for Smite/Shadowmend(3) and also for SWP/PWS(4); so that when I target an enemy and hit 4 it casts SWP/Purge the Wicked, but if i Useful general macros: Max camera distance macro /script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax",30) Sets your camera distance to the maximum. UI and Macro. When I have no target, this macro applies fiery brand to my mouseover, but if i have a main target, the macro will not work on the Hello, I am trying to PvE more and realized I could really benefit from using mouseover macros instead of targeting each person to put atonement on. Post Reply - GBugden. Some of these macros cast different spells and abilities, depending on what you mouse over. If not dead, cast heal on mouseover. Wow Self bandage macro. I never have to drag new trinkets, combat pots, invis pots, etc to my bar. The spells will then be cast with consecutive clicks of the Both conditions only mention the focus, but have no fallbacks if you don't have a focus. Retail Classic Cataclysm Yeah, but i like to add harm/ help and nodead to my macros prevent to try to cast (and get error) if target is dead. Discipline A selection of useful wow Hunter macros. The bottom macro will let you easily Focus target Macros: Condensing Your Physical Keys - UI and Macro - World of Loading Notepad++ is capable of recording some of your actions you perform while editing a document, and replaying those later on to avoid having to repeat that sequence of actions. ) So, for example, here’s a Spirit Mend macro I use: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help,nodead][@player] Spirit Mend That breaks down to: Searched the forums, but couldn’t find an example of how to possibly do it, and just recently reactivated that I don’t know how the new macro system works anymore. You will need to manually type in the player you wish to give Power Infusion to, but it should handle if the target Can anyone see why nothing happens with this macro? Tried with and without a focus, with and without targets, no spell is cast using this macro #showtooltip Flame Shock /cast [@target,exists,harm,nodead][@focustarget,exists,harm,nodead] Flame Shock /target [@target,exists,harm,nodead][@focustarget,exists,harm,nodead] /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() I am trying to make a one button macro that can set focus on mouseover or target, setup a raid marker on that target, then will cast my kick spell on the focus (if set) or the target if no focus is set. I can get the macro to work without the mouseover, but once I add the mouseover and target macro [] it only works for the nomod part of the macro. I’m trying to get a mouseover macro for Blessing of Protection, but when Blessing of Spellwarding is talented (PvP Talent), then the macro automatically switches over to BoS. I'm trying to make a mouseover macro that has moonfire and sunfire on the same key. /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Pummel; Pummel; This macro allows you to cast Pummel on your mouseover target or on your current target if your mouseover target is not valid. If note the version of WoW in which you tested it; remove it from the Old Macros page; Example Macro [] /y Hooray, I made a macro! Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro!" Works in 6. Macros Explained: The Oh, Crap! macro drops your target unconditionally, stops any attack, puts your pet into passive mode (by default), has it return to you, and if there is loot in range, grabs it along the way. However, I am currently using help/harm macros already for my keybinds for Smite/Shadowmend(3) and also for SWP/PWS(4); so that when I target an enemy and hit 4 it casts SWP/Purge the Wicked, but if i This is a Interrupt Macro with the function of automatic target the mob who is casting. I was able to find cvars for distant terrain geometry and small object/doodad render distance that you can raise past the max, but they're pretty costly in terms of performance for only very slight visual improvements that you probably wouldn't really notice anyway unless you were really keeping an eye out for them. It worksbut only when you have an actual mouseover target. FORUMS. 5 second GCD, and it shouldn't be Heal Spell Macro Template #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,help,nodead][@mouseovertarget,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@player] Flash Heal Works in 3. This saves you from needing to switch between action bars during combat or healing. This is useful if you have used Misdirection already but it's about the run out before you can actually start misdirecting threat. no luck. I’ve done some reading and have this macro set up for my druid to save some space depending if i’m targeting a friendly or enemy: #showtooltip /cast [harm]Moonfire; Rejuvenation This is great, but I have “control” set up as a “self cast” button and “alt” set up as my “focus target” button. Copy pasting trying to find ways to make it work. or you can make a duplicate macro just for your hand picked target without the assist. I currently use this style of macro for Vivify / Soothing Mist, is there a way to combine the two so that I can keep pressing the button for the instant Vivifys once Mist is channeling and keep the other macro features? #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover,help,exists] [help] [target=targettarget, help, exists] [target=player] Soothing Mist making the macro unusable. Misdirection macro. We provide links to several good detailed macro guides and to more extensive lists of specialized hunter macros for PvE and PvP. Once you’ve mastered the art of keybinding and macros, your gameplay will become more seamless and fluid, like a well-oiled machine. To create the macro, follow these steps: Open the macro Hi, Been trying to stitch together a macro all morning, hope I can gain some insight here. 2 of our macro, now tailored specifically for Frost Death Knights! This update comes with several the macro should do the following: 1- Cast an offensive ability or spell at the current target enemy. What am I missing here? #showtooltip Arcane Shot /cast [@mouseover,nochanneling:rapid There's definitely other ways to write a macro to achieve the same functionality, but the goal was essentially to perform: /cast But make it target the person before casting so it can be announced using %t. Macro Version 1. Patch 11. Main Sequence: Barbed Shot, Heart Essence, Bestial Wrath, Cobra Shot, Kill Command, Chimaera Shot, Aspect of the Wild /cast [target=mouseover,exists,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] Blind. Or, in psuedo-code, if /M opens the macro window, create a new macro there. Welcome to our Macros guide for Warlocks where you will find out what the best macros are for your Warlock in WoW Classic. Thanks for the info! It was helpful. Macro: Player /ping [@player] Assist. /Focus. Macros can be played once, or multiple times, even as long as is required to run through an entire document. #showtooltip /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Remove Lesser Curse Mouseover decurse friendly player or self. [@mouseover, help, nodead][nodead][@player] Hands Rune Ability. When you don’t have a MO target, arcane shot does not cast. It casts on mouseover, if none, on target. This World of Warcraft guide covers the basics of macros, how to access the Macro functions, and how to start creating your own macros! We also list the most popular With Season of Discovery, Blizz has added a number of placeholder spells you can use that will dynamically update depending on the rune you’ve selected. /cast [mod:shift,@player][@mouseover,exists,nodead][@target,exists,nodead] Devour Magic. Guides. Thought this would work, but no luck: Blockquote #showtooltip /cast [stealth] [@mouseover, harm, nodead] [] Druid macros. This macro will cast Cheap Shot while stealthed or Gouge while unstealthed. Make sure you follow the instructions clearly. You can also if you really want include /say /party or emotes like /train - your arena partners will not thank you for including /train in every macro Useful general macros: Max camera distance macro /script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax",30) Sets your camera distance to the maximum. /focus [target=focus,exists,nodead] focus; target /cast [target=focus Or, you could get REALLY simple and use only a single macro, as follows: /stopcasting #showtooltip /cast [button:1] Windfury Weapon /use 16 /cast [button:2] Flametongue Weapon /use 17 This macro casts [Windfury Weapon] on your Main Hand weapon when you left click, and cast [Flametongue Weapon] on your Offhand when you right click it. /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /cleartarget [dead] Can Useful macros and addons for your Beast Mastery Hunter in WoW The War Within (Season 1). 9 so there might be some slight version differences. My problem is with a certain spell not working, Purify Spirit. MASTERCLASS. WOW has mouseover casting built in now so every spell will by default cast on the moused unit if possible. (So, things like if your target/mouseover/focus is friendly/alive and such. This is a subreddit dedicated It tries to target a hostile unit called "Shadowy Necromancer". /cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead] [target=target,help,nodead] [target=targettarget,help,nodead] [target=player] Chain Heal I am trying to make a one button macro that can set focus on mouseover or target, setup a raid marker on that target, then will cast my kick spell on the focus (if set) or the target if no focus is set. Color coded, auto-hiding flexbox navigation that works well with keyboard, mouse and touch. 5. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2. I use same macro as shown above (macro): /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Rejuvenation Cast at Cursor Macro. #showtooltip /cast [@focus] Cataclysm I just want to have it auto cast onto my main tank assist or focus Hi, looking for a macro that can possibly cast Blessing of Protection at my focus but when they die it casts it on me insteadanyone can help me with that? [@focus,help,nodead][@player]Blessing of Protection This will cast Blessing of Protection on a friendly, living focus. I elected to add /stopcasting to Hello! I just started playing MW Monk and was wondering about a macro I wanted to create. In this macro guide, I will go over the general mechanics of macros in Classic Wow. Ad. Actions that Welcome to the WoW Classic Warlock Macros Collection! Here you will find all the important macros for your Warlock in WoW Classic Era and WoW SoD. Class Guides; The War Within; Rumble; Who we are . If you mouseover a friendly, non-dead unit, or have a friendly, non dead unit targetted, it will flash heal, then it will check if our target is an enemy, and not dead, to smite Hi all, I’m completely new to macros and am trying to learn a bit more to help improve gameplay, esp in arenas. Turns out that some add-on was breaking /startattack functionality in macros. Cast Inferno where your mouse is currently pointing, without having to confirm Subscribe to WoW for Extra Goodies, New Twitch Drop on the Way, Spooky Hallow's End Savings, and 22 hours ago Subscribe to WoW for Extra Goodies, New Twitch Drop on the Way, Spooky Hallow's End Savings, and More! Just looking for a mouseover heal macro. Otherwise it will cast on your Focus target. With this in mind, we can now create new macros. Wow Druid macro with @ mouseover and calling macros. those that are currently drawn-in. I use this on all my macros. If anyone is able to help me with this macro I’d appreciate it greatly. If I hover over my name and use the same macro swiftmend is consumed. You will need to manually type in the player you wish to give Power Infusion to, but it should handle if the target Hi guys, I’m playing a disc priest atm and want to ask if there is a way to shield the target’s target. Then I tried editing it by using some other macro command lines and just changing the ability to Hello, I am trying to PvE more and realized I could really benefit from using mouseover macros instead of targeting each person to put atonement on. Heal Spell Macro Template #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,help,nodead][@mouseovertarget,help,nodead][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@player] Flash Heal Works in 3. Here is the macro in question. 2, written by Nurseos. Tutorial How to Install WoW AddOns in 3 Easy Steps Macro conditionals are basically if/then/else, but you are limited to the conditionals that are allowed in macros. 000000 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /cast [harm,nodead] Wing Clip /cast Disengage /cast Vicious Gladiator's Cape of Prowess The macro I use is: /target Bigounce /cast Spirit Mend /target pettarget -Sometimes when I use it, I see myself target myself. Ring of Peace macro. Heyo! I wanted to post a few Outlaw specific macros that have made playing outlaw (specifically in PvP) feel a lot better. Otherwise, it will center your Gorefiend's Grasp Find Retribution Paladin Macros, WeakAuras and UI suggestions for The War Within, Patch 11. Mouseover interrupt macro is still the most useful and best. #showtooltip Volley /use Salvo /use [@cursor]Volley /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][@player] Spirit Mend Use spirit mend on your mouseover target else on yourself. #showtooltip /cast Anti-Magic Shell /cast Icebound Fortitude Useful macros and addons for your Augmentation Evoker in WoW The War Within (Season 1). Wow Druid macro with @ make a new standard macro. Searched the forums, but couldn’t find an example of how to possibly do it, and just recently reactivated that I don’t know how the new macro system works anymore. lloskka June 17, 2024, 12:20pm 1. [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Abolish Disease Abolish disease your mouseover target else on target else on player . 1 I wrote these macros to consolidate some of the paladin spells, so that they take up less room on the action bars. 0 which provides for a means for macros (and addons under keyboard/mouse control) to 'remember' some other UnitId. 3. It interrupts Greetings! I am having some trouble getting my dispel macro to work. You can consider this your “panic button”. #showtooltip Misdirection /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead]Misdirection Party Leader Misdirection Macro GH AOE is the only macro updated on 10/1 This macro focuses on executing your core rotation (Thrash, Mangle, Swipe, Ironfur, Maul, Raze, Barkskin ) as perfectly as possible, while leaving you with as much control of your character as possible. /cast [help] Prayer of hello wow people i use a couple of mouseover macros (example:) #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Healing Wave This basic macro is used in most of my macros and it works really nice for me. TIA. Use: This macro is used for advanced targeting of healing Monk macros. #showtooltip /cast [harm,exists,nodead,nomod]Shadow Word: Pain; [harm,exists,nodead,mod:shift]Shadow Word: Pain(Rank 1); [nomod]Renew; [mod:shift]Renew(Rank 1) I use this one^ But you could bake a mousover clause into that as I’m trying to get a castsequence macro for my Druid that goes back and forth between Sunfire & Moonfire. This macro casts the spell at the mouseover if available, if not it executes the spell normally, which means it will NOT selfcast, but cast at your target first if you have one and only if you have no target it will selfcast. The "exists" and "nodead" isn't strictly necessary in this macro, as it will fail to cast on a dead or nonexistant pet anyway, but if you add in further targetting parameters it will skip to the next if the conditionals aren't met. You can save them for later use and #showtooltip /cast [@INSERTPLAYERNAMEHERE,help,nodead][] Power Infusion /cast [@player] Power Infusion; When using Twins of the Sun Priestess, this is a useful macro to cast Power Infusion on an ally to make sure your group gets the most out of it. This includes mouseover macros and macros for all roles the Paladin can take on in WoW Classic. This macro allows you to Intervene your mouseover target ally, or Charge your current target if it is an enemy. The bottom macro will let you easily Focus target A macro is a bit like a programmed multi-tool that has the ability to change based off of certain conditions. The War Within Efflorescence macro. Beast Mastery. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@focus] [ ] mass entanglement /cast [mod:alt,@focus] [ ] solar beam Looking for a quick macro to put me into bear form if i land on my dragon and hit moon fire, i auto shift into bear form. As for Mend Pet I would strongly suggest not macroing it in, as it initiates a 1. x; How to Customize These Macros [] Disclaimer [] The macros in this page are intended for general use. So, when you hit the macro, if your target changes to something alive, then it found something living. What I'm wanting is to just have the spell cast on the mouseover if I have one. I elected to add /stopcasting to I had to take this macro off my Hunter after it ninja-pulled in M+, but it's great for melee-range and short-range abilities to get you back on target if you accidentally target a friendly player while adjusting your camera. It is supposed to do the following: cast Renewing mist / Tiger Palm on mouseover or cast Renewing mist / Tiger palm on target if its selected or when pressing ALT cast Renewing mist on self. However, the highest rank should always didnt work for me until i changed all the totem names to caps, like the previous post. There's a few parts in a basic macro; the command (/something), a conditioner ([En-bracketed stuff]), and it's tooltip (#WhatTheIconShows). What am I missing here? #showtooltip Arcane Shot /cast [@mouseover,nochanneling:rapid Buff: /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Power Word: Fortitude; Using the Macro: Drag the macro icon to your action bar. /cast Reaver's Glaive. I elected to add /stopcasting to Currently successfully using: Blockquote #showtooltip /use [stealth] Cheap Shot; Kidney Shot Trying to add a mousover component to it and can’t seem to quite get it. Is it possible to run the disengage macro modified so that the camera resets after switching 180degrees (sort of a cast sequence) #showtooltip Disengage /script FlipCameraYaw(180); /console targetNearestDistance 5. /cast [harm,nodead] Charge; [help,nodead][@player] Intervene /cast Hamstring Feral druid Rake or Pounce: #showtooltip /cast [nostealth] Rake; [stealth] Pounce Hunter scatter shot macro: #showtooltip Scatter Shot Finally if none of those conditions are met it will cast the heal on myself. Both work, but if I target an hostile mob and mouseover a party member, all my holy shocks will go on other hostile mobs whereas I would like they go on my teammates. Is this still possible? Also, if my focus is dead blind would work normally. ============ Trying to make a macro that will Purge my current enemy target but act as a mouse over macro Purify Spirit for a friendly target. Older macros , some might be outdated: Mage bomb macro. All it does is send the commands to WoW. It is this time of the year again boyz / girlz 1!! Have something to test , single and cleave / aoe rotation. It will in order kick what is true first. Joined on 2014/11/12 [harm], [help], [exists], [nodead], [mod:shift/ctrl/alt] The counter “no” can be added to a conditional to do the opposite of intended use. showtooltip Sunfire. I can't seem to figure it out. Using <alt> key modifies the spell to cast on self. Therefor, this macro accomplishes nothing over what the ability straight out of your spellbook already does in the current version of WoW Classic. u/target,help,nodead][mod:shift, u/mouseover,help,nodead][mod:shift, u/player] Healing Wave(Rank 7); [@target,help,nodead Is this possible with wow macro conditions? How do I clear target if enemy hunter pet is targeted? I only wish to /target or /targetenemy if it is enemy player and nothing else so if it’s a pet, do not target or if it’s a dead enemy, do not target, etc This macro does the following: - If you choose the question mark icon, it will show the Misdirection icon, tooltip, and cooldown - It will dismount you if you are mounted - It will removed your Misdirection buff if you have it up. /castsequence reset=4 mana spring totem, searing totem, grounding totem, strength of the earth totem If that appears at the beginning of a macro it changes the macro tooltip from the name of the macro to the tooltip of the first ability in the macro. Now, the part I'm not sure about, I think if you don't have a target and you use /focus again I think it should clear it. So I’m having issues with Fiery brand and Fracture and mouse over macros. You do not need to write out all four blessings. i used ActionButton7, use framestack to figure out what the button you want to use is called. The fun thing with macro is that you can make a spell do something in a situation, or another in another situation. The War Within. I use all of the following macros: Reaver’s Glaive Macro. KeyPress: Revive Pet, Misdirection, Claw, Multi-Shot, Call Pet 1. This command accepts secure command options. If not in combat, and dead, cast rez on mouseover. I know I can do this in clique, but I wasn’t sure if there is a way to write this in a macro with the mouse over condition. You can check this by holding down shift and manually mouse-clicking on the macro in your action bar. For example, [nomod] will execute the macro if no modifier is held down. Here is an example with Efflorescence: #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Efflorescence Skull Bash Macro Hey all. I can get the @mouseover part t I’m trying to get a castsequence macro for my Druid that goes back and forth between Sunfire & Moonfire. Replace help with harm According to the linked website the macro command is: showtooltip Moonfire. Stance Toggle Macro. Hope the helps. ) So, for example, here’s a Spirit Mend macro I use: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help,nodead][@player] Spirit Mend That breaks down to: Yes that is true, in a intense pack with 5-10 mobs, with what i am currently using /cast [@mouseover, ham, nodead] [harm, nodead] Rampage. when you move the cursor off of anything If you bind this sequence with keys 1, 2 or 3, probably u’ll lose some skyriding habilities, so use this workaround. Basically, macro's just make you do a couple things either in an order, or at the same time. Our Values; Our Partners; /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead]Lay on So in shadowlands (and I experienced this in the beta as a warlock) the same mouseover macro command that I used in legion and bfa no longer functions correctly. Solitary Ping Macro Examples. /startattack[harm,nodead] If the currently targeted unit is an enemy (harm) and is not dead (nodead) then, start attacking (startattack) the currently If it is common knowledge, then pardon me (it took me ages to find this macro though): /cleartarget /target mobsnamehere /stopmacro [noexists][dead] Change mobsnamehere to the The [nodead] condition would be applied to your current target, not the would-be target, meaning this macro would target any Blackwind Warp Chaser, but only if you are Useful macros and addons for your Marksmanship Hunter in WoW The War Within (Season 1). Here you will find all the important macros for your Paladin in WoW Classic Era and WoW SoD. Will this blond my focus target without having to Welcome to the WoW Classic Mage Macros Collection! Here you will find all the important macros for your Mage in WoW Classic Era and WoW SoD. The goal: If in combat, and dead, cast brez on mouseover. The macro I am using is: #showtooltip Renewing Mist /use [@mouseover,nodead,harm] LF Mage buff macro halp - UI and Macro - World of Warcraft Forums Loading By using Wow Keybinding and Macros, you can make your gameplay more efficient and effective, allowing you to focus on the more important aspects of the game. add it to a button. nodead, help][] Remove Lesser Curse. The macro system will cast replacements. If any condition is satisfied, the execution of the current macro will stop, and commands beyond the /stopmacro will not be executed; no action is performed otherwise. I am running into an issue where swiftmend is not triggering on raid frames for other players. TY in advance Priest macros, a selection of useful wow macros for the world of warcraft priest class. In groups it was pretty chill to use /cast [target=focus, exists, nodead, nochanneling: Penance] Power Word: Shield to allways have the shield and atonement on the tank. Marksmanship Salvo + Volley macro. This macro does not automatically use cooldowns, trinkets or similar abilities. This is what I'm Starting to learn macros and I am finding them super helpful. ) So, for example, here’s a Spirit Mend macro I use: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help,nodead][@player] Spirit Mend That breaks down to: 32 votes, 15 comments. 1. WoW’s 20th Anniversary: Blizzard Clarifies Bronze Celebration Token Acquisition Rates in Patch 11. Only searches units in your current 'area of interest', i. It interrupts This WoW hunter macro guide gives a basic introduction to macros and lists several PvE macros useful in raiding. Otherwise, it will center your Gorefiend's Grasp Those tick boxes add the nochanneling and combat mod rules by default. This macro will cast Spatial Paradox on your mouseover target; if they are not a friendly target (or a dead friendly target), it will use blizzards default I'm looking for a macro template that will let me use several ranks of a spell binded on one button using modifiers in the macro and heal on mouseover or heal m Turtle WoW Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment. 2. #showtooltip Mage Bomb /cast [@mouseover,harm,exists,nodead] Mage Bomb; Mage Bomb #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Raise Ally #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead] Howling Blast Defensive Macro. In fact I use both mouseover macro and this my macro together. nodead] [] Blistering Scales; 1. These are ideal for someone Mouseover macros are way more customizable than the mouseover keybind setting For example you can have something like /use [@mouseover,harm,nodead]PURGE;[@mouseover,help,nodead]DISPELL;[@mouseover,help,dead]RESURRECT and it will cast the things depending on the conditionals that apply: if your mouseover target is I'm probably wrong about the second part, but. I’d really only ever utilized @mouseover macro’s to make targeting easier; but got to playing around with the idea of an “ultimate” PvE single target macro. Otherwise, it will center your Gorefiend's Grasp Trying to do a help/harm macro for my resto shaman without having the icons change to track procs and so on. 11 Hi there, just set up a simple help/harm macro which is working great when I have a target selected. You can also use a macro to cast an AoE-targeted ability directly at your cursor’s position without clicking its position. It’s up to WoW how WoW interprets these. It's 100% FREE! Includes support for the latest WoW AddOns and Mods. /cast Paladin The War Within Retribution. Step Function: Sequential Pre Macro: Aspect of the Wild. #showtooltip Ring of Peace /cast [@cursor] Ring of Peace Cast Ring of Peace at your cursor position. Sets your focus on your mouseover or if no mouseover exists, focuses your target. add the line /click ActionButton7 to your macro. Mouseover Interrupt Macro #showtooltip Pummel /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Pummel; Pummel Heroic Leap /startattack [exists,harm,nodead] /click MultiBarRightButton1. Here is the macro: #showtooltip /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Dispel Magic This is the mouseover macro I use for all my healing spells, and it works perfectly for everything except dispel. /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [@focus,harm,nodead] [] Disrupt Maybe the harm in the kick macro is not needed but yeah it works anyway. I was trying to troubleshoot it tonight googling the macro and trying different variations of it. Now if I put macro 2 in MultiBarRightButton1 nothing happens for that slot. e. This is generally approximately 90 yards, however in some cases (such as battlegrounds) units may be drawn-in at far greater distances, allowing for more long I am trying to make a macro to cast destruction warlock spell cataclysm on my focus target, but I can not figure it out. #showtooltip / cast [help] Greater Heal The above will show the tooltip for Greater Heal when you mouse over it. I had a problem with the macro targeting The first is the PI Master Macro which is used to edit your Power Infusion macro and set your PI target, and the other is your normal PI macro that you use during combat. Im using the format: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead][]Fiery Brand and swapping exists for harm as well with the same results. You will learn how to create macros to suit your own needs, no more need to look up every single thing. Retail Classic Cataclysm Community Forums UI & Macros. Notes So I've been trying to make mouse over macros for our Hpala on four different spells, Holy light rank 6 &8, and Flash of Light rank 4 & 6. I use this for offensive utility and CC. Some guildies and I been playing around with macro’s today. /cast [@mouseover, nodead, exists][@target, nodead, exists][@player] penance You actually don't need this macro anymore I believe. GSE doesn’t execute the macro in anyway. There will be 4 Sequences in total, ST and AOE with You will know the macro has bricked when it is showing the power word: life tooltip while specced into benevolence, or when showing 50% in the tooltip while specced as A macro is a custom button that can be dragged to your action bars from the /macro or /m menu. Use: This macro is used for advanced targeting of healing The macro will only select the player himself if no other targets match the given name. 11 I use to have a blind macro where I would set a focus and it would blind my focus without me losing my current target. If I put Raging Blow there it doesn’t work neither does Colossus Smash, Impending Victory or Dragon Roar. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@focus] [ ] mass entanglement /cast [mod:alt,@focus] [ ] solar beam /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead][] Divine Toll and many more. Then you will perform your action and then go to Macro > Stop Recording. I've tried using the macro below (just change the variable for spells and ranks). The problem I'm having is that when I mouse over a target the macro switches to sunfire. Example: /cast [@mouseover, combat, dead, help] Rebirth; [@mouseover, dead, help] Revitalize; [@mouseover, help] Rejuvination Tried all kinds of Hello! I just started playing MW Monk and was wondering about a macro I wanted to create. The macro is: /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead, exists][@party1,exists,nodead][@party2,exists,nodead][@party3,exists,nodead][@player] This macro contains 1 macro version. I have a macro set up for auto-targeting during the Illhoof fight, and it looks something like the following: /tar Ill /tar Kil /tar Demo. Trying to build a macro I’ve used before, but it’s just not working. This type of hard lock generally occurs when changing specific talents after entering or leaving an instance. 3; Replace "Flash Heal" with spell of choice. Here is what I have so far: #showtooltip /focus [mod:alt,@mouseover,nodead, exists][target] /tm [mod:alt,@mouseover,exists][@target,exists] 5 /cast Below is a basic macro that casts a spell on your current target. Target the tank's target /target [target=focustarget, harm, nodead] Set the tank as your focus (/focus) and your target will be the tank's target. For my Holy Paly, I need is an all-in-one-macro for Judgement and Hammer of Wrath without using mod keys. #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Efflorescence Cast efflorescence at your cursor. Note: GSE has NO control over how WoW executes your macro. #showtooltip /cast [help,nodead]Rejuvenation; [harm, form:2] Rake; [@mouseover]Rejuvenation This is what I’ve got so far and it works great except I want it to This page lists macro conditionals, keywords used with macro commands, the RestrictedEnvironment and the SecureStateDriver API to allow limited logic for player On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Survival Hunter in World of Warcraft — The War Within (Season 1). #showtooltip holy light /cast [modifier:alt,target=player] holy light (rank 8)[target=mouseover, exists] holy light (rank 8) [dead] or [nodead] specifies to only target either dead or alive targets. It's very intuitive: just remove the end macro tags after the first one + the tags introducing the second one, (only the first macro will appear on notepad++). Here’s the code for the basic Hand of Reckoning mouseover macro: #showtooltip Hand of Reckoning /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Hand of Reckoning. /cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet, dead] Revive Pet; [@pet, nodead, nochanneling] Mend Pet. So I was wondering if anyone had a good macro for misdirection. ============ #showtooltip /click ButtonFrameName1 /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead][]Atttack Name. 1. I have a strong Yes that is true, in a intense pack with 5-10 mobs, with what i am currently using /cast [@mouseover, ham, nodead] [harm, nodead] Rampage. WoW WoW. The macro should work for any healing spell for any class. I'd recommend playing it back to ensure it's correct and then save and set your shortcut key. u/target,help,nodead][mod:shift, u/mouseover,help,nodead][mod:shift, u/player] Healing Wave(Rank 7); [@target,help,nodead Macro conditionals are basically if/then/else, but you are limited to the conditionals that are allowed in macros. Misdirection is an important ability in Dungeons but also in Raids: This macro will cast Misdirection on the target you are currently mousing over. #showtooltip /use [@focus,harm,nodead][]Blind Smileÿ-emerald-dream January 11, 2021, 12:57am 3. All other spells work, but not Holy Shock. Voidwalker] Sacrifice; [pet:imp] Fire shield; [pet:succubus,@mouseover,exists,nodead][pet:succubus,@target] Seduction; [pet:felhunter,@mouseover,exists,nodead][pet:felhunter,@target] Devour Magic; It's possible to merge several macro in one (the operation will be done one after the other). after, Awesome Macro sniperTo cast a different sequence if you're in a group or soloing, you can add the and macro options. There are a few "slash commands" you will likely want to use in a macro, /target (to change target) /use (or /cast to use an item or spell) and perhaps /run (to activate a short LUA script). Sequences['TT-PVP DRUID’] = { Author=“TT”, SpecID=11, Talents = “1231231”, Default=1, MacroVersions = { [1] = { StepFunction = “Sequential”, KeyPress /cast [@mouseover,help,exists,nodead][help,exists,nodead] Flash Heal; [harm,exists,nodead] Smite; [@player] Flash Heal; It's a little fancier, but here is the priority. In combat, hover your cursor over a player’s model or their unit frame. I’m trying to write this macro so that it casts Intervene if my mouseover if friendly, Charge at my mouseover if hostile, and otherwise Charges my target if no mouseover is present. This is what I currently have, I tried re-arranging but it appears to be a dud. /cast [mod:shift][@mouseover,harm,nodead] Sunfire; [nomod][@mouseover,harm,nodead] Moonfire What should I change to make this work properly? I tried looking for a Freedom macro that had many commands (mouseover>target>party1-3>me) and i just had to give a few prompts to ChatGPT and i got it, worked every time so far. UPDATE PACKAGE NAME. For example, a macro using Templar's Verdict will cast Final Verdict just fine. Trinkets update automatically since the macro just uses a specific trinket slot. I've been using it since vanilla and don't think i could do without it. Granted, I'm not using version 5. 3 posts. Any help appreciated. xtxoeyk dwfv nkvc icmzop tjvqlbk ukgv mqalz fnhgzf yhgq vijmyzc

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